
I work full time as a software engineer primarily working on machine learning and data analytics
software using tools like PyTorch, PySpark & Azure Databricks.
Outside of my full time job I conduct research as
an independent research
scientist. My research is largely interdisciplinary, specifically at the
intersection of quantum computing/information and AI/ML.
I am also interested in the broader intersection of physics and computing.
I also contribute to
open source scientific software
such as
QuTiP as well as open source teaching resources for data science/ML such as the following on
Bayesian statistics.

I hold a M.S. in computer science with a concentration in machine learning
from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

I hold a B.S. in computer science and
physics with a minor in mathematics from the University of Virginia. While there I completed my
distinguished major thesis
on quantum computing applied to machine learning problems with graphs which was
supervised by
Olivier Pfister.
• University of Virginia Echols Scholar
• University of Virginia Computer Science B.A. - Highest distinction
• University of Virginia Physics B.S. - Distinction